Saturday, April 24, 2010

chopsticks and dice

From april archive

woke up this morning at 6am, rolled over, and it was 8am...i was supposed to be at the airport at 8, not leaving for the airport at flight left at 10:20...the hotel was about 45 mins from the airport and i had to turn in the rental car, check in, get through security and find my gate by to say i made it but i gave myself a panic attack in the process. i am very thankful for the lady at the front desk of the hotel though because she gave me $5 worth of quarters for the toll road so my trip to the airport was easier and took less time! the flight got a little bumpy but i was lucky enough to land in between storm lines. got some awesome cloud pics while i was in the air. when i got home, james picked me up from the airport and we wondered around town for a little while and ate lunch at spaghetti warehouse.

then april and i headed out to bunko. had a great time and got some free clothes out of it, including my new favorite pair of jeans ever!!!! thanks Christie!

From april archive

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