Saturday, December 25, 2010

christmas puzzles and prizes

From december archive

wonderful christmas! great time with family and great gifts from family (and family friends). so glad i was able to share the holiday with the ones i love :) we had monkey bread for breakfast, which turned out awesome and i cant believe i didnt remember to take a picture of it! mom even made brownies today to as a “happy birthday Jesus” cake :) it was awesome! then we went to my aunts house to do christmas and dinner over there. always a good and interesting time! :)

the pic is of one of my christmas prizes. i got a puzzle with 9 pieces, 300,000 ways to put it together wrong, and one way to put it together right....30 minutes or less and i got it together! woot woot!!! imma have to try it again and see if it was a fluke or if im really that good, lol :)

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