Sunday, October 31, 2010

zoo day

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James and I went to the zoo today with my cuz. I don’t know why we always feel the need to take pictures every time we go, especially since we see the same things every time, but we always have fun taking pictures!

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

baby shower & grizzlies game

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today james and I went to a baby shower for some friends. Since they had so many people already give them clothes and baby things, our friends requested everyone bring the baby books so they could build a library for her. James and I went to the bookstore this morning before the shower to get presents. We each picked out a dr sues book from our childhood and one a coworker recommended. We also got him a shel silverstein book because both of us love his books.

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after the shower we went to lunch with my cuz then later on went to the grizzlies game. We had so much fun at the game! when we walked out there was a Magnum P.I. ferrari. james wanted me to take a picture of it for dad :)

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then wondered around beale after. Such a good night out!

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Friday, October 29, 2010

random penny art

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random design today! hope you like it!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


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my coworkers were nice enough to get lunch for me today. :) they are so good to me!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

closer than it appears

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we went out to the sail again today and while we were standing out there, a HUGE plane went overhead. Of course by the time I got my camera out and took a picture, it wasn’t as close and didn’t look as big.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"new" stretches

From october archive

went to the doctor and pt this morning. The dr told me he didn’t want me to go to pt any more :( bummer! They gave me a “home program” of stretches and foam roll. the physical therapist said he was hoping to have more time to work with me, but I go back to the dr in the middle of December, to see how my legs are doing.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

trains & pumpkins

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James and I went again to the pink palace today to see the trains. Such an interesting group of people and interesting hobby. We ran into a coworker and his son, who also likes trains, while we were there.

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After the pink palace we went to friends house and part of the nights festivities was pumpkin carving. They all turned out awesome!

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

sunrise and art

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sunrise on the way to run this morning. Such a beautiful site to start the day

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later in the afternoon we went to the river arts festival. I love seeing such creativity! The picture is of some medal workers making something at the festival. So so neat!

Friday, October 22, 2010

new shirt

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went shopping this evening after work and ended up getting a new shirt. I know its pink, but its good for work

Thursday, October 21, 2010

under the lights

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We had another game tonight, and guess who we played….the team with the pitcher from the other night! And following suit from Tuesday night we got more crappy attitude from her. Several of my teammates hit line drives toward her and wow did she get upset! But again, don’t pitch up the middle if you don’t want it hit back to you!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


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the guys and I went out to the sail today for our 3 oclock “walk.” When we go to the sail we end up standing around talking :) still nice weather!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

whos on deck?

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We had a double header tonight. We won the first one and lost the second. The first game was nice and civil, but the second game was horrible. The other team recruited a pitcher from another team and she had the worst attitude ever! She got sooo mad at me for hitting a line drive back to her…well actually she didn’t get mad at the fact I hit a line drive at her, but because I didn’t apologize for it. How ridiculous! I was a pitcher for years and never once had or expected an apology for someone hitting a line drive up the middle. Don’t pitch up the middle if you don’t want it back!

Monday, October 18, 2010

nature walk

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the guys and I went out to the nature walk at work today for our 3 oclock walk today. Such great weather for a walk.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

barksdales window

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james and I went to barksdales this morning and saw someone had broken the window :(
I cant believe someone would do that to such a great place!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

sunset on train tracks

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james and I went to watch trains this evening. we stood out there for a while waiting for one to show up, but it was well worth it!
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Friday, October 15, 2010

where'd all the laundry go?

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i decided to finally fold clothes today :) and spike likes to be in my laundry and laundry baskets. it just looked funny to me for him to be down at the bottom of the laundry basket all spread out like this.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

dugout time

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softball game tonight. Wish I had done better, but a win is a win!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

halloween prize

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Mom sent me a Halloween prize today :) a blanket and pillow set that are soo cute (and comfy)!

Monday, October 11, 2010

day off

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went to wonder around target today on my day off and guess what...they're already putting up christmas stuff and its not even halloween yet! so ridiculous!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

train layout

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in a tradition that’s now three years old, james and I went to the pink palace for the model train exhibit :) it was pretty neat. We got to talk to a lot of the people who own the layouts on display and they even invited james to come check their meetings out. I love looking at all the layouts. Some people put a lot of time and effort into the displays and some are more functional than pretty.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

crafts fair

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after I got done running this morning, my cuz, james and I went to eat at Memphis pizza café for my cousin’s birthday meal then went to wonder around the pink palace crafts fair. It was actually very warm outside! I got pumpkin flavored fudge! Its awesome!

Friday, October 8, 2010

butterfly at wallyball

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we played wallyball after work today and while we were waiting for the key to the building (that was already unlocked, just didn’t pull hard enough on the door…) I saw this butterfly

Thursday, October 7, 2010


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my lips are so dry from the race this past weekend! I keep blistex with me all the time. The blue one is in my purse and the pink-ish one is always at my desk.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

pizza box

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james and I wanted something different for dinner so we went to movie and a pizza in harbor town tonight. We got a box for the left over pizza and I thought it was awesome that the waitress had written the date on the to go box.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


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I heart peanut butter :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

micky bucket

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Margaret and David are awesome! They just got back from Disneyland and brought me a mickey Halloween bucket and two mickey shaped rice crispy treats (one for me and one for james).

Sunday, October 3, 2010


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Here’s some pictures of my blisters…fun times huh? The one that’s of the heel of my foot (the one with my foot w/ dirt on it) is from right after the race (hence the dirt) and the other one is from today. Lots of fun!

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

24 hours

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The 24 hour race is a fundraiser a local church does every year to support the missions in Haiti. It was a 1 mile loop. Participates “raced” as individuals or as part of team and the idea is to do as many or as few loops as you want to or can do. I was lucky enough to be invited to participate as part of a group called “The Gazelles.” The Gazelles are a walking/running group here in memphis. The women are amazing! I made it 32 miles. 4 of the women I walked with won first place in their age groups, two had 40+ miles and the other two had 50+ miles and one of the other women succeeded in making a personal best 31 miles. They all are some amazing women and big time inspirations to me! Most of us ended up with some serious blisters, aches and pains, but it was an awesome experience, despite the blisters

Friday, October 1, 2010

cafe diem

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Took the day off today to get my car worked on and to participate in a 24 hour race (will explain tomorrow about the race). The carpe café picture is from the coffee machine in the waiting area of the car dealership. The coffee wasn’t great, but atleast it was free and I totally agree with the “carpe café” idea! :) I had to spend some major bucks at to fix my breaks, but atleast my car is feeling better.