Monday, August 9, 2010

two years

From august archive

i went to volunteer tonight again for the mrtc women's walk/run program. it was HOT!!!! i got there a little early so started taking pictures of "alphabets" and decided to look the pic above in multiple 'N', a 'Z', but given the day its going to be a '2'. the 2 is for two year! james and i have been 'officially' dating for 2 years. i cant believe it! we went to a local place after james got outa work this evening to have dinner and a couple glasses of beer. it was nice to just hang out for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. :) there seems to be a theme of "james and I were eating, and a picture for my blog happened!!" heheheehe!! Your pod blog would be very very blank if y'all didn't go out to eat! :)

    awesome pics btw!!! love em all!!!
