Tuesday, August 31, 2010

better view

From august archive

torture time again today at PT, but atleast this time i had a better view :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


From august archive

i went to help with the MRTC walkers again this evening. i was sitting by myself waiting for them to finish and i kept hearing a humming type sound (not really the best description, but the best i can figure out right now). it took me a while to figure out what it was, but finally decided it was because i was sitting under these huge power lines. creepy!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

river view

From august archive

we went down to the river again today and were lucky again to see some trains. thought the pic above was a neat view because of the background of the sky and thought the pic below was neat because it was a closer view of the train crossing the bridge on the other side of the river.

From august archive

Saturday, August 28, 2010

button mashing & new orleans style

From august archive

james' ps3 rca cord wasnt working right so we got a new one today and finally were able to connect to the tv and button mash on super street fighter 4! it was frustrating at first for me because the ps3 controllers have too many buttons! im a nintendo girl...all you need is the up, down, left, right, a and b buttons...all those other buttons are just not necessary!!!!

this evening we went to a katrina anniversary party a lady at work held. she was displaced from new orleans after katrina. her whole family came up for the party and it was so much fun! plus it was great to have louisiana style food made by people who are actually from louisiana!!!

From august archive

Friday, August 27, 2010

morning surprise

From august archive

was walking down my apt stairs this morning and saw this butterfly land on the steps below. it started with closed wings. as i walked down the stairs and one of the neighborhood cats walked up the stairs, the butterfly opened to show its wings. its not colorful, but still beautiful :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

new torture technique

From august archive

went to PT this afternoon and was "lucky" enough have a new torture technique performed on me...e-stim/ultrasound combo. once i got over the weirdness of my muscles moving "on their own" it was really neat

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

beginning or end?

From august archive

since james is so into trains, ive started taking more notice of them, especially when im stuck in traffic waiting on them. can you tell if this is the beginning or the end of the train??? :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

sunset over the softball feilds

From august archive

i had softball practice this evening...first of the season for me. im a little rusty and am prolly going to be sore tomorrow...i hope my legs can handle it :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

hungry fawn

From august archive

was so excited about getting so close to these hungry little ones today at work! the rest of the pics are here. mostly a whole lot of the same-ish picture, but didnt want to not get the shot in case they moved away as i got closer. even got a pic of one of them in a truly "natural" pose, see if you can figure out which pic im talking about :) lol

Sunday, August 22, 2010

different train views

From august archive

james and i went down to the river this evening just to walk around and as luck would have it a train was crossing near by. can you see the train going across the bridge? i know its kinda hard to see, but thought it was an amazing picture :)

the one below is of two locomotives up close and personal :) always fun to train watch :)

From august archive

Saturday, August 21, 2010

play time

From august archive

peek-a-boo! spike, like any cat, playing with packing paper. he loves packing paper and plastic...both of my cats like plastic...not sure what that's all about but i have to be very careful what i leave around or they end up chewing on it.

Friday, August 20, 2010

wall disaster

From august archive

this is a short wall near my house...evidently the trees and ground its designed to keep in dont want to be kept in :) they're starting to rebuild it, so ill put a pic up of the new wall when its done.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

nice view, huh?

From august archive

went to the redbirds game this evening with some friends and this is the view i had from my seat when i first got there...luckly the head obstructing my view belonged to a friend of mine so i made him lean one way or the other so i could see better :) just thought it was funny though

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

goodie bag

From august archive

went to the dentist this morning :) all clean and all good! i actually like going to my dentist. they must write stuff about you down or something because every time i go they ask me about my running and stuff that i was doing the last time i came in. however they remember, its nice that they put the effort into making their patients feel known and remembered regardless of how many people they see in between times. this is a pic of the inside of my goodie bag (by far the best thing about going to the dentist!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ugly sky

From august archive

went to PT this evening and was lucky enough to get inside before the sky opened up...it rained the entire hour plus i was there then stopped in time for me to leave :) woowoo!

Monday, August 16, 2010


From august archive

i have no idea...was using my camera to take some pictures for work and when i looked back later, this is what i got. guess my photography skills need some major improvement...more than i thought they did...

Sunday, August 15, 2010


From august archive

i made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and a batch of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies this afternoon. both turned out great! super excited about my first ever batch of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies though! will definitely make them again! now i have two new recipes to add to the cookbook at christmas!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


From august archive

today i helped referee a dodgeball tournament today for youth villages. james' played in the tournament on a team called the "chupacabra express" with some other regular memphis dodgeball players and friends. they came in 4th place and did a great job (much better than they thought they would!)!

it was, as usual, rough as a ref...got yelled at by one team that yells at me every year...even got told by one of them not to yell at them because they dont work for me...makes me wonder what kinda job they work at!

one of the guys from a memphis dodgeball team got into a fight with a guy from another team. they kicked both teams out of the tournament this year. just the one guy from the other team and the whole memphis dodgeball team for years to come, which is ridiculous!


Friday, August 13, 2010

dew drops

From august archive

was walking into work this morning and noticed the water droplets on the grass outside of the building so i had to stop and take a picture of them. wasnt sure how it would come out, but im pretty happy with the results :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

torture relief attempt

From august archive

in an attempt to make me feel better, they give me an ice pack after they torture me...it helps...a little...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

crazy cat

From august archive

the after effects of spike running across my foot...not sure what happened to make him run in front of me like that, but ah well.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

world ending

From august archive

tried to the water aerobics class at UT with my cuz today after work, but evidently the world was ending outside! it was raining sooo hard the streets were flooding big time! the pic is out the window of the car which i was trapped in for a little while while i waited for the rain to let up some, which it didnt...


Monday, August 9, 2010

two years

From august archive

i went to volunteer tonight again for the mrtc women's walk/run program. it was HOT!!!! i got there a little early so started taking pictures of "alphabets" and decided to look the pic above in multiple ways...an 'N', a 'Z', but given the day its going to be a '2'. the 2 is for two year! james and i have been 'officially' dating for 2 years. i cant believe it! we went to a local place after james got outa work this evening to have dinner and a couple glasses of beer. it was nice to just hang out for a little while.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

good eats

From august archive

james, my cuz and i went to old venice for "brunch" this morning and it was AWESOME! they have an oatmeal cookie chocolate chip cheesecake that rocks big big big time! then we went to soul fish tonight for dinner. The pic is of the giant "eats" on the wall at soul fish. ive always wanted to take a picture of it and finally remembered.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

classic beauty

From august archive

james and i went to eat today and this beauty of a car was in the parking lot. james reminded me to take a picture and im very glad i did! ill have one of these one day!

Friday, August 6, 2010

why are you taking a picture of me?

From august archive

spike with a classic "why are you taking a picture of me?" look on his face :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

view from the torture table

From august archive

this is the view from today's torture table (ie what i "got" to look at while at PT this evening)...always fun...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

nashville adventure

From august archive

i went to nashville for a workshop for work today. the workshop was not worth much, but it was near the vanderbilt stadium and we had a great lunch! i got to try bison.

From august archive

From august archive

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


From august archive

this hawk was on a car outside James' apt. i was so excited to get this close to take a picture!

Monday, August 2, 2010

torture results

From august archive

bruise results from PT...fun fun...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

happy & sad

From august archive

can you figure out which is which? :)

From august archive