Saturday, July 31, 2010

minion lemonade and ice

From july archive

went to ihop today and james had what they call a "minion lemonade" neat looking huh? :)

thought this was a neat look at a cup of ice too

From july archive

Friday, July 30, 2010

friday night beer traveling

From july archive

we went to a local beer place tonight where they have beer from many different countries. we sampled a few countries :) this is james pouring a black and tan

Thursday, July 29, 2010

its alive!

From july archive

went to jame's apt this evening to take him his prize (which he was very very happy about!). he went outside to the porch to check on his plants and guess what? one of them was blooming :) its not the best picture because its from my phone, but thought it was neat all the same

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

morning view

From july archive

spike has taken to sleeping right next to my face all night ever night so this is what i wake up to every morning...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


From july archive

prize for james! :) a guy on the base was selling it for a goooood price and i couldnt resist. was planning on getting him one for christmas, but since it was such a good deal, i got it now instead...happy anniversary bae!!!! :) :) :)

Monday, July 26, 2010


From july archive

i volunteered again tonight for the mrtc women's walking program. didnt think we were going to have it because of the weather.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


From july archive

a visitor of a neighbor who always parks entirely too close to me...this however was a little bit ridiculous...i was soooo mad that i had to climb in my passenger side door to get into the car.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


From july archive

james and i went to gus's tonight and ordered take out. while we were waiting we wondered around downtown and what do ya know...picture opportunity! :) i turned around to look at the steps and the street light behind us cast a shadow of james on the steps and it just looked awesome. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

1 fish, 2 fish, brown fish, blue fish

From july archive

james and i went to Bhan Tai to eat tonight and there two fish that looked like this hanging from the ceiling. this one looked brown till i took a picture then it looked blue...go figure :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

through the looking glass

From july archive

went to dinner for bunko tonight and as we were walking out to the cars i saw this office and couldnt help take a pic

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


From july archive

ive been play a typing game online lately to improve my typing wpm. so far im up to an average of just under 83 wpm all time and about 88 in the last ten races :) woot!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

james' favorite

From july archive

james' favorite of all time!

Monday, July 19, 2010

flying whipped cream

From july archive

i went to help with the registration for MRTC women's run/walk program tonight. had fun seeing all of the different types of women who came out to walk. I thought the clouds looked neat and if you look at the bottom of the pic you can see the women walking :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

funnest meal ever!

From july archive

tonight james and i went to joes crab shack and had the BEST time! he got lobster and i got crab and it actually tasted like home! cant wait to go back!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

design a wish

From july archive

i got up early this morning and went to the pink palace to help mrtc with the design a wish race 5k. i was a chute (sp?) monitor so i got to clap and tell all the runners good job and make sure they stayed in right order as they were crossing finish line so the card the got was in the same order they crossed in. i think im going to start volunteering more since i cant run right now and they can always use volunteers. plus i got a free tshirt :)

From july archive

Friday, July 16, 2010

bailie (if you can believe it)

From july archive

i rarely am able to get stationary pictures of bailie, but when i do they rock! doesnt she just look royal or something? she looks like a big bad hunter kitty. wish she was a little bit less skittzy around people so i could atleast pick her up. she's started to come lay on me lately, but only if i dont move or make too much noise though :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

gold medal!

From july archive

the base has a base wide olympic competition every year. events range from running to bowling and volleyball to classic track events (shot put, etc). We competed in the wallyball (volleyball in a racket ball court) competition and we won gold medal out of 18 teams! we won all four games we played and no team scored more than 11 (out of 15) points on us. they were amazed at how well we played and werent shocked when we told them we played twice a week every week. some of them got frustrated with me especially because im female and most of the military types hate being beat by a girl! :) at least i won a gold medal for something in my life, lol! :)

From july archive

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

first glance

From july archive

some months back (link) i wrote about my friend/coworker and his wife being pregnant. she had the baby!!!! she had a beautiful baby girl! july 1st 5lbs 15oz 19.5 inches! My friend took this pic of one of the first times his son saw the baby sister. i thought it was an awesome picture and now the family is officially "1up" :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

kendrid spirit

From july archive

James and i went to eat tonight and stopped at sonic on the way home to get ice cream. Tyrone is ALWAYS interested in any food we have, especially ice cream! so James gave him a treat :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

rain rain go away

From july archive

rain of epic proportions this morning and most of today. i didnt get a picture of the rain ditch at work till it was the end of the day and most of the water had drained away, but atleast i got it with some water in it. The water this morning was up almost to the top of the ditch!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

frist date revisited

From july archive

Around this time 2 years ago james and i went on our first date! :) i cant believe its been two years already! we went to the movies and a restaurant near the movies after and had a blast! who knew?! so we did something similar today too :) except we went to the restaurant, then two movies. we went to see despicable me and grown ups.

From july archive

we got to the theater for despicable me 10 minutes before the show was supposed to start and rather than wait in the loooong line to the counter i went to the automated self ticket booth and got tickets with little or no wait. woo woo to being tech savvy! Despicable me was cute cute cute! "ITS SO FLUFFY!!!!!" And grown ups was a cute "appreciate your family" type movie. Over all an enjoyable day!
From july archive

Saturday, July 10, 2010

pie in the sky

From july archive

new pizza place in cooper young, well not new but new to us :) our first time to visit and it was awesome!

Friday, July 9, 2010

target mess

From july archive

mess of a construction site at target...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

pretty susnet sky

From july archive

beginning of sunset on way home from boxing

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

landry lazing

From july archive

laundry day and of course the instant i put down the basket guess who was in it...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

rain cloud

From july archive

when i was leaving work today i saw this. i thought it was neat because i could see the bright blue sky on one side and the rain cloud and rain on the other. interesting contrast

Monday, July 5, 2010

movie bummer

From july archive

james and i went to the movies today to see the airbender movie and boy was it a let down, big time! first let down was that the concession counter wasnt taking credit cards even though the ticket counter was and no one told us. so, no big drinks and/or skittles for the movie :( then the movie itself was a let down. james and i both love the avatar/airbender cartoon series and the movie was totally jacked up! the director changed peoples names, personalities, and events...hopefully the next one will be better, but i doubt it :( so sad since the movie had such potential!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

happy 4th of july!

From july archive

slept in again today! love long weekends! went to a friends house for a 4th of july celebration. should have taken a picture of the fireworks or the launch bottles, but didnt think of it at the time...ah well.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

light change

From july archive

was in the grocery and saw these flowers and thought they were a beautiful color. i tried to take a picture without the flash (above) but didnt quite get the color in the pic that i wanted so tried with the flash (below) and was amazed at the difference! if i hadnt taken the picture i would think they were two different sets of flowers

btw, what kind of flowers are they? :)

From july archive

Friday, July 2, 2010

good friday night

From july archive

got home from work today and fixed my computer. had to clear my hard drive and reinstall a fresh windows but at least its alive again! :)
went to dinner at sekisui with james to have sushi and it was AWESOME! he's been working long hours this week so enjoyed seeing and spending time with him finally :)

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we then went to hang out with some of our friends. we played darts and i kicked butt! it was a peg dart board, but it was still fun.

From july archive

Thursday, July 1, 2010

connect tha dots...

From july archive

went to see the physical therapist today and wow did i learn a lot about my legs, how all the muscles, bones, etc work together to keep things aligned and what happens when the IT band is prevented from working the way it should. i found out i have 9 little restrictions (places where the IT band is connected to the muscle which it shouldnt be) on my left leg and 5 big restrictions on my right let including one near my hip. all of the restrictions are on the thigh side of my IT band though, dont have any on the hamstring side the therapist says that he thinks the one near my hip is the one that is causing the most problems for my knee. i have PT homework - foam roll rolling on my legs - to do before my next PT session next wednesday....all of its going to be very very painful, but hopefully itll help in the end. The pic is of all the dots up my left leg...each dot represents a huh?

oh, and happy first day of july!!!!