Saturday, June 5, 2010

birthday cupcake SMASH!!!!

From june archive

Today has been a long day, but cupcakes make it all better! Got up this morning for a “Weekend Warrior Workout” Tony did as a fundraiser, which consisted of a regular bootcamp style workout with a 2.5 mile run after. Then james and I went to Millington to pick up my race packet for tomorrow and were gunna try to go to the pizza place in BFE atoka, but it wasn’t open in between lunch and dinner (which is of course when we were trying to eat). We ended up going to another restaurant near the pizza place and it was pretty good so all was well. This evening we went to a birthday party for a friend of ours. It was his 11th anniversary of his 21st birthday, lol! They had food, beer, and cupcakes! Couldnt drink because i have to run tomorrow morning, but the cupcakes were awesome!

The hulk hands belong to our friend, who if you knew him know they fit him! TINY SMASH!!!!
From june archive

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