Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pastel sky

From june archive

couldnt get the pic i wanted because the parking lot lights were "in the way" but thought the sky was a neat blend of colors tonight.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


From june archive

today's pic of the day was actually taken on saturday, but thought it was better suited for today...i had a serious case of A.D.D. today at work and if you've ever seen the movie Up you'll get the "squirrel" reference. :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Flying Car

From june archive

went to the doctor this morning for my knee problems and guess what? he actually talked to me and asked me questions but never once asked me "so, what do you want me to do for you?" :) he even gave me some idea as to what is really wrong with my IT band! :) i go see the physical therapist thursday so hopefully i can get it worked out and make my knee feel better! :)

also went to the toyota dealership today, which as usual was a horrible experience...the pic of the day is from the inside of the "playroom" in the waiting area. and no the pic isnt upside down, the car was on the wall like that - in clouds no less :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

lazy sunday

From june archive

spike (yet again) enjoying a lazy sunday afternoon on the back of his fave chair...course after i took the pic he ran away...think the flash scares him a little bit, but he came back eventually :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cutie Pie

From june archive

Today i got to spend the whole day with one of my best friends from high school, her wonderful hubby and her cutie pie lil one. doesnt he have the most beautiful eyes ever! :) sooooo glad we got to spend some time hanging out and sooo glad i got to finally meet the lil munchkin! we havent had many chances to hang out over the past couple years because we live way far away from each other, but love it when we do get the chance! miss her big time!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Moms' Flowers

From june archive

every time i see sunflowers i think of my mom so naturally every time i pass this field of sunflowers i think of her :) i also think of james' mom at times too because he said his mom liked sunflowers like my mom likes them :) so these pictures are for the moms, love you Momma! :) the rest of the sunflower pics

From june archive

Thursday, June 24, 2010

soul fish: lights and laughs

From june archive

**note: i cropped the light picture above because i didnt like the "extra" light in the whole picture.

went to soul fish tonight for dinner with my bunko group. we had the best time and ended up staying almost to closing!! lots of stories, laughs and good food! :) im looking forward to next month's dinner! :) i took a picture of the lights because i thought they were neat and we were "special" in that we were the only table in the place with those kind of lights above our table. the picture below i didnt actually take but it was a good picture so thought id post it anyway

From june archive

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

what is it?

From june archive

was leaving for work and saw this on the bricks right outside my door. i took a picture part because i thought the colors on it were interesting and part because i wanted to see if anyone knew what it was...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

does anybody really know what time it is?

From june archive

i went to get my eye brows done today after work and this clock was on the wall in the esthetician's room. i thought it was awesome! i think id have a hard time telling time on it on a regular basis, but id totally have it in my house cause it just looks fun! :)

Monday, June 21, 2010


From june archive

this is on of my cuz's babies, my other calico baby, freckle. isnt she cute cute cute?! :) and just so we're clear...her momma is the one that called her Freckafatalottapuss, i didnt make that up, lol! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


From june archive

we were driving around today and just thought the sky looked awesome!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


From june archive

james was playing around with spike and put his iphone on him and declared him an "iKitty" :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

trying to share

From june archive

came home to find both of my little ones on top of my new chair. usually its just spike, but looks like bailie decided she was gunna try for space too :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

last visual

From june archive

so, i was sitting in front of my car on the curb this evening after boxing trying to decide if i wanted to go to mcalsiters and get a salad or not and was shocked to realize that my car looks really really big from that angle. then i had a thought "wow, wonder if that's what it looks like to little critters when they get hit" hence the title/caption "last visual" :) regardless, i liked the pic :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

too far...

From june archive

went to dodgeball tonight to watch james the team 'Leroy Jenkins' play :) dont think they won any of their games, but it was fun to watch. i also had a good time seeing dodgeball people i havent seen in a while :) the gym we play in has metal bleachers and not all of them have covered corners so if the balls hit them just right they pop, like this one. they ruin a lot of dodgeballs through out the season like that

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


From june archive

i know this pic looks remarkably like my dirty laundry picture, but trust me all of the clothes are now folded :) if you look closely you can even see my evil running shorts made it through the wash...
i finally did laundry last night, but of course didnt want to buckled down tonight and folded while watching tv :) now if i could only clean my dishes id be in good shape :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

25 cents does not make a quarter...

From june archive

despite popular belief, 25 cents does not make a quarter...this one was inspired by dwindling quarter stash...i have plenty of nickles and dimes, but im running low on laundry quarters...can you believe it?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

shoe hunt, distant rain & black and tans!

From june archive

today james and i spent the day mall hopping, which is uber rare because he doesnt like to go to the mall usually; however, when it comes to shoes he'll go anywhere he can to find them :) we went to three different malls then went to eat wings and watch the play off game.

while we were driving around, it wasnt raining on us, but we could see rain in the guess what? i took a picture of it :) ive always thought it was neat to see rain like that.

after all of that, we went to buffalo wild wings to eat wings and watch the NBA finals game. while we were there, we had black and tans! yumm! dont think ive had a black and tan in a loooonnngg time! makes me think of st patricks day at the dawsons! :)

From june archive

Saturday, June 12, 2010

water girl

From june archive

tonight i volunteered for one of the 5Ks here in memphis. i worked at the registration table and the first water station. as we set up the water station, two reserve army guys who were visiting the civil rights museum came up and inquired about what we were setting up for. when we told them it was a race and what it benefited (the church i go to) they stuck around to help us out. it was pretty neat seeing a race from that point of view and definitely gives me more appreciation and respect (not that i didnt have appreciation and respect for the people who work the water tables before, just have more now that ive "been in their shoes"). over all it was pretty fun and i got a green volunteer race tshirt! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010


From june archive

found this on the side of the road and thought it was a neat picture...course dont think the people that hit it thought it was neat, but wasnt me so ah well...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

train delay

From june archive

i used to see trains as annoying delays in the middle of commuting from one place to another, but these days i try to pay more attention and appreciate the differences in them.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


From june archive

BOC stands for "bag of crap" and usually i get something of some interest out of it, but this time it truly was!!!!! hopefully better luck next time!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

its a bird...

From june archive

its a, its bailie! she was stationary when i started to take the pic, but of course that didnt last long...picture was not what i wanted, but neat non the less :) for those of you who have visited my apt, this is prolly the only view of her you've had outside of pictures, LOL! :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

running shorts = EVIL!!!!

From june archive

running shorts are horrible horrible things for me when running long distances...did i mention running shorts are EVIL?! Pain!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

rockin medal!

From june archive

This morning I participated in the Inaugural Navy 10 Nautical Mile Race. 10 Nautical miles equals about 11.6 actual miles. The race itself was pretty good, but I will NEVER wear running shorts for that distance ever ever again! My legs are so messed up from the shorts! :( but the medal was rockin!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

birthday cupcake SMASH!!!!

From june archive

Today has been a long day, but cupcakes make it all better! Got up this morning for a “Weekend Warrior Workout” Tony did as a fundraiser, which consisted of a regular bootcamp style workout with a 2.5 mile run after. Then james and I went to Millington to pick up my race packet for tomorrow and were gunna try to go to the pizza place in BFE atoka, but it wasn’t open in between lunch and dinner (which is of course when we were trying to eat). We ended up going to another restaurant near the pizza place and it was pretty good so all was well. This evening we went to a birthday party for a friend of ours. It was his 11th anniversary of his 21st birthday, lol! They had food, beer, and cupcakes! Couldnt drink because i have to run tomorrow morning, but the cupcakes were awesome!

The hulk hands belong to our friend, who if you knew him know they fit him! TINY SMASH!!!!
From june archive

Friday, June 4, 2010

Red Robin decor

From june archive

James and I went to Red Robin for dinner tonight. The picture is of a carousel horse that’s part of the décor. Just thought it was neat.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

dirty laundry

From june archive

Laundry day, yet again…except don’t really feel like doing laundry…course I never really feel like doing laundry because it means I have to fold and put the laundry up afterwards. Well, im supposed to put up clothes, but I dread it so much I rarely do…

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


From june archive

They say the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one…well…Hi, my name is Sarah and im addicted to chewing gum…. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

picture by mistake

From june archive

Was attempting to take pictures while carrying everything to the car after work and ended up taking this random picture. Thought it was kinda neat looking so decided to use it. It’s the top of my water bottle and my hand holding the water bottle.