Friday, December 31, 2010

over the hills and through the woods...

From december archive

went for the last walk of the year and coffee with tthe Gazelles this morning. we walked on the greenway -- my first time! :) it was beautiful! had such a good time!
went out this evening to ring in the new year with friends! enjoyed the night out and look forward to the possibilities of the new year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


From december archive

sunset on the way home from work to end the year :) i have had such a great time doing this blog! i may not keep up as well as i should most ttimes, but im totally going to continue to do a picture-a-day next year too! not only am i amzed at the pictures ive ended up with, but im also amazed at all that ive done this year! and im so glad i have all of these memories recorded now! :) i hope next year is as memorable as this year has been for me!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

all gone :(

From december archive

sad :( all my mommy-made christmas cookies and aunt-made chocolate covered pretzels are all gone! they were great while they lasted tho! i still have chocolate covered peanuts though! :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

puzzle time

From december archive

puzzle time! mom and dad gave james and i a popular mechanics steam engine puzzle for christmas. think the puzzle part of it was for me, but the picture on the puzzle was for james. i started it this evening while i was watching tv. it took me 2.5 hours to separate the edge pieces, put them together, and put together the wording at the top of the puzzle. surprisingly eventhough the puzzle is only 500 pieces, its pretty a challenging puzzle for me. :) HUGE puzzle pieces compared to the pieces of the puzzle i was putting together over christmas at home!

Monday, December 27, 2010


From december archive
mom gave me a money bottle that keeps track of the change you put in it. i decided to count all of the nickles and dimes i had already saved and put the times in the bottle. $74+ worth of dimes! and almost $30 worth of nickles. woot woot!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

christmas tree

From december archive

i always love our christmas tree at home. mom and dad do such a good job of decorating. i still need to find an ornament for mom for this year. we usually try to get a new ornament for every year, but i just couldnt find one that i liked this year....although as i write this, an idea came to mind. ill have to do some looking and see if i can find the one i want. be looking for a picture of the ornament (if and when i find it, lol)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

christmas puzzles and prizes

From december archive

wonderful christmas! great time with family and great gifts from family (and family friends). so glad i was able to share the holiday with the ones i love :) we had monkey bread for breakfast, which turned out awesome and i cant believe i didnt remember to take a picture of it! mom even made brownies today to as a “happy birthday Jesus” cake :) it was awesome! then we went to my aunts house to do christmas and dinner over there. always a good and interesting time! :)

the pic is of one of my christmas prizes. i got a puzzle with 9 pieces, 300,000 ways to put it together wrong, and one way to put it together right....30 minutes or less and i got it together! woot woot!!! imma have to try it again and see if it was a fluke or if im really that good, lol :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

christmas eve midnight mass

From december archive

we usually go to midnight mass on christmas even. even though its late, its always a beautiful mass and the church is always decorated so nicely. this is a pic of the nativity scene in the back of the church.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

travel & grocery

From december archive

on the road again... :) always a long, but good time :) on the way home to visit family for christmas! we went to the grocery to get stuff to make chilli for us on christmas eve. i saw this in the produce section and thought only in louisiana is it was funny. real bottle of wine, by the way :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

protection? or prevention?

From december archive

picture of one of james’ little ones, tyrone, either protecting james’ bags or trying to prevent him from leaving....or maybe he just wants to go with? who knows :) just thought it was cute

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

angel pocket goodies

From december archive

mom started angel pockets with me when i was very little for the 25 days of christmas, a prize for every day. now we both do angel pockets for each other. its always always always fun to open my prize for the day! these are a couple of the ones ive received this year, and as you can tell spike is very interested in my prizes too!

Monday, December 20, 2010

drs appointment & muscleworks

From december archive

went to the knee dr today and he suggested surgery again to me. im really thinking about giving it a try. if i go ahead with it sooner rather than later, i might be able to get through rehab and hopefully be better in enough time to train to walk the st jude half marathon next december with mom :) plus itll give me almost two years to get rest and rehab and get better to train for january 2013 when i want to do the goofy races in disney. hopefully it all works out the way i want it too.
went to a muscleworks class tonight at the Y. this is a pic of the benches we use

Sunday, December 19, 2010

model train goodness

From december archive

james and i went to the hobby shop today to look at trains and james found the SD60m he’s been looking for for years! the train company discontinued the model over 10 years ago, and james found out they were rereleasing it this year. the original date for the release was july, but they pushed it back to this month. ive been checking the site online every month to see if/when the relase dates were available. when we walked in the hobby shop, there it was :) it was great!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

battery fun

From december archive

james’ battery goes out sometimes on his car so heres the view under the hoods :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

OK, new baby!

From december archive

two of our friends finally had their little one today :) 8lbs, 7oz, 21 inches long! she is sooo precious! and soo little! :) :) :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

the kitchen

From december archive

went out tonight for dinner with the ladies from bunko. we went to an carrabas, and italian restaurant. always a good time! now i know what the words in the picture mean :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

icky sky

From december archive

winter weather warnings for today with freezing rain and icy roads. icky icky! :(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Y weights

From december archive

cardiomix/circuit class tonight at the Y. as always a great workout!

Monday, December 13, 2010

too cold!

From december archive

why is it so cold outside????!!!! sucky!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

heart billboard

From december archive

just thought it was neat...again, dont know what it was for, but doesnt keep me from taking a picture :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

jingle bells with the gazelles

From december archive

got up this morning and walked a 5k with some of the Gazelles then met the rest of the Gazelles for lunch. surprisingly, i had a great time with both! and on the way home, i got in a little christmas shopping. james and i went out to dinner tonight too. we havent gotten much time together lately because of his work schedule and both of us being sick so its been nice the last couple days to spend some time :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

night out...finally...

From december archive

james got off of work early for a change so we spent the evening out and about. we went to the mall to get a birthday gift for a friend of ours then went to dinner at j alexanders. both were awesome! after dinner and a trip to the bookstore, we went out to celebrate our friends birthday, but called it a night kinda early because unfortunately james has to go to work tomorrow :(

Thursday, December 9, 2010


From december archive

stayed late today at work to make up time and get some work done, so visited the treadmill for an hour afterwards instead of going to any classes. it was good to see the treadmill again :) but wish the ones here at the gym at work actually worked correctly!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

red carnation cross

From december archive

saw this at the Y this evening after class and thought it was interesting so took a picture. not sure what its supposed to be for or anything, but neat non the less

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

kitty blur

From december archive

as per usual, the best pick i can get of my other little one, bailie...constantly moving ALL the time, even when she wants to be rubbed she moves away from you...crazy crazy!

Monday, December 6, 2010


From december archive

im sure the DD near the house is not going to be so awesome in a few weeks when i spend a ton of money and get food (donuts) i have no business getting from there, but today it is AWESOME!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

cross and pacman pancakes

From december archive

went to church this morning with mom and dad and both mom and i found it neat that the cross at the front of the church was lit up purple for advent :) then we went to breakfast. the pancake picture is for james because he and i always fight for the middle and since he wasnt there i got the middle all to myself! plus it looks like pacman :)

From december archive

Saturday, December 4, 2010

half marathon

From december archive

done all done! not anywhere near my best time, but i finished! it was awesome to see my mom, dad, and aunt not only in the middle of the route, but at the finish too! so great that they managed to make it to the finish line. too bad james had to work today! :(

Friday, December 3, 2010

train taxi

From december archive

had to pick up mom, dad, and my aunt from the train station tonight. they came up for the half marathon which is tomorrow morning :) woot!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

its a bird...its a plane...

From december archive

standing outside at the sail as per usual at 3 in the afternoon and we were all intrigued by a plane that kept taking off and landing. seemed to be really close to us, but cant really tell by the picture

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

fashion statement

From december archive

decided to take a picture of my cute socks dad gave me for valentines day and my leopard print slippers...cute fashion statement huh? would be even awesomer if you could have seen the blue plaid boxers i had on with it, lol :) almost as good as aunt janes great fashion statement!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

really sick

From november archive

stayed at home today because ive been throwing up ever 3-4 hours since 11 last fun...

Monday, November 29, 2010


From november archive

woke up this morning feeling a little off, but lunch i felt nauseous and decided to go home to get in bed. after a trip to the store for crackers and sprite, i crashed on the couch for the rest of the day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

yet another pair of new kicks

From november archive

new shoes! always always love new shoes! got these shoes for working out and playing ball. they’re not as wide as my running shoes so hopefully they’ll wont let my foot slide around as much

Saturday, November 27, 2010

bar fun

From november archive

entertaining myself at the bar

From november archive

Friday, November 26, 2010

great seats

From november archive

my aunt, cuz and i went out black friday shopping. i ended up buying two cameras (one for me and one for james) at really really good prices! tonight we went to another grizzlie’s game. i got tickets from a lady at work and the seats were rockin! they were way closer and way better than any seats i otherwise can afford. my aunt and her friends were at the game too.

From november archive

Thursday, November 25, 2010

turkey trot & thanksgiving aftermath

From november archive

james and i participated in the thanksgiving turkey trot 4 miler this morning! it was james’ first race ever! we both finished in under an hour and i think it was pretty enjoyable. he said that mile 2 was the hardest and longest for him but big big ups for him pushing through and finishing the race! this afternoon we went to my aunt’s friend’s house for thanksgiving dinner, which was AWESOME!!!! and it was great to spend thanksgiving with family and extended family :)

From november archive

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

coffee designs

From november archive

ive always thought the designs that are created in coffee after adding cream were neat but im never able to capture what it truly looks like. this isnt the best picture, but its a start

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


From november archive

so much for the finishing of playoffs...we got rained out today :(

Monday, November 22, 2010


From november archive

softball playoffs started today. we lost the first game but won the second. to be continued tomorrow...

Sunday, November 21, 2010


From november archive

the last RRS race this morning and finally finally finally i earned my ROAD WARRIOR! the Gazelles were soooo awesome aftwards as they helped me celebrate with a beer! yes, beer at 10 in the morning! it was awesome of them to help me celebrate! :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

sunrise & spiderweb

From november archive

2:30 walk in shelby farms this morning. beautiful sunrise over the lake and awesome reflection on the spiderweb along the way.

From november archive

Friday, November 19, 2010

and then there was one...

From november archive

james and i went to pei wei tonight for dinner. we got crab wontons and liked the look of the single one left on the plate

Thursday, November 18, 2010

almost time

From november archive

almost time for the st jude half marathon!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

spike, up close

From november archive

i havent posted a picture of one of my babies in a while so her ya go :)