Tuesday, November 30, 2010

really sick

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stayed at home today because ive been throwing up ever 3-4 hours since 11 last night...fun fun...

Monday, November 29, 2010


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woke up this morning feeling a little off, but lunch i felt nauseous and decided to go home to get in bed. after a trip to the store for crackers and sprite, i crashed on the couch for the rest of the day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

yet another pair of new kicks

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new shoes! always always love new shoes! got these shoes for working out and playing ball. they’re not as wide as my running shoes so hopefully they’ll wont let my foot slide around as much

Saturday, November 27, 2010

bar fun

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entertaining myself at the bar

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Friday, November 26, 2010

great seats

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my aunt, cuz and i went out black friday shopping. i ended up buying two cameras (one for me and one for james) at really really good prices! tonight we went to another grizzlie’s game. i got tickets from a lady at work and the seats were rockin! they were way closer and way better than any seats i otherwise can afford. my aunt and her friends were at the game too.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

turkey trot & thanksgiving aftermath

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james and i participated in the thanksgiving turkey trot 4 miler this morning! it was james’ first race ever! we both finished in under an hour and i think it was pretty enjoyable. he said that mile 2 was the hardest and longest for him but big big ups for him pushing through and finishing the race! this afternoon we went to my aunt’s friend’s house for thanksgiving dinner, which was AWESOME!!!! and it was great to spend thanksgiving with family and extended family :)

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

coffee designs

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ive always thought the designs that are created in coffee after adding cream were neat but im never able to capture what it truly looks like. this isnt the best picture, but its a start

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


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so much for the finishing of playoffs...we got rained out today :(

Monday, November 22, 2010


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softball playoffs started today. we lost the first game but won the second. to be continued tomorrow...

Sunday, November 21, 2010


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the last RRS race this morning and finally finally finally i earned my ROAD WARRIOR! the Gazelles were soooo awesome aftwards as they helped me celebrate with a beer! yes, beer at 10 in the morning! it was awesome of them to help me celebrate! :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

sunrise & spiderweb

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2:30 walk in shelby farms this morning. beautiful sunrise over the lake and awesome reflection on the spiderweb along the way.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

and then there was one...

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james and i went to pei wei tonight for dinner. we got crab wontons and liked the look of the single one left on the plate

Thursday, November 18, 2010

almost time

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almost time for the st jude half marathon!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

spike, up close

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i havent posted a picture of one of my babies in a while so her ya go :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


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this is the salad bowl my salad from sunday came in....can you say HUGE!

Monday, November 15, 2010

pumpkin spice coffee

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this is my favorite part of the year because of the availability of pumpkin spice flavored foods and drinks. im loving the pumpkin spice coffee the most! :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

road trip

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James and I decided to take a trip to Lambers in Sikeston, MO today. it only took us about 2 hours to get there and we were seated within 20 minutes, even though it was around 1 on a sunday afternoon. the food was awesome! and something about having rolls thrown across the room at you is just fun! the salad i got was HUGE! as was the country fried steak james got. crazy crazy BIG!

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

tree light & OT game

james called me outside this afternoon to look at the light way the light was going through the trees outside and i also thought it was neat so picture! :)

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we also went to the grizzlies vs celtics game tonight. the grizz lost in OT and we didnt have great seats, but the game was fun non the less :)

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Friday, November 12, 2010

breakfast for dinner!

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one of my favorite meals ever! tonights menu: scrambled eggs with spinach, mushrooms and cheese with a side of bacon and pumpkin spice pancakes! it was awesome!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

day of cleaning

first, let me say thanks to all of the veterans and active duty military personel for serving and protecting this country. happy veterans day!

second, because it is veterans day (and a government holiday), i have the day off...i know all of you are shocked to hear the word “cleaning” come out of my mouth, but its true....i spent most of today cleaning up my apartment. i cleaned up the kitchen and livingroom, did laundry, and folded all of my clothes. pretty successful day if you ask me :)

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010


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yep, yet another wallyball picture! :) cant help it, its our thing on wednesdays at lunch.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

bright yellow

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had a double header again tonight to make up rain out games. we won both games and finished the season with a wining record at 7-5!

Monday, November 8, 2010

anytime sunflower

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this is a plate my aunt gave me a while back. i know sunflowers grow during certain times of the year, but with this plate, i can have sunflower any time i want all year long! :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

rough trek

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had my first RRS 1/2 marathon this morning. my time was horrible! but i finished! one more race to go and ill finally get my road warrior trophy!!!!! woot woot!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

beautiful morning & memorial

went to run (well walk because tomorrow is a road race) this morning at shelby farms. the fog and flock of birds over the lake was amazing. the pictures dont really capture the real look of it, but close enough! After running/walking went to breakfast with my family (mom, aunt, cuz, & james) and had a great time (no all the plates in the picture are not mine!).

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this evening was my cuz’s dad’s memorial. it was a really nice ceremony. anyone who wanted to got the chance to stand up and talk about him and memories of him and my cuz made a cd/dvd with a slide show of pictures from his life to show after.

Friday, November 5, 2010

pottery barn & william sanoma

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went to pier 1, pottery barn and william sanoma today with my mom and aunt. the moth was on a sale sign by the register at william sanoma...just looked neat. the entertainment center was at pottery barn...like it alot, but not enough to spend $500+ on it! :)

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

come sail away

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here’s another view of the sail we stand under almost everyday on our 3 o’clock “walk” at work.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

bruised hand

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played wallyball today at lunch and somehow managed to bruise my hand! dont know if it was from hitting the ball or hitting the wall in frustration...maybe ill try not to do that anymore :)

my cuz’s dad passed away this afternoon. i know its rough for her and my thoughts and prayers go to her and her family.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


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was supposed to have a softball game this evening but it got canceled due to rain, so i went home and got in my p-jams and relaxed for a bit instead.

Monday, November 1, 2010

ant hill

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ant hill on the sidewalk near my building at work. ant hills always fascinate me because there’s so many ants and much activity going on.