Thursday, September 30, 2010


From september archive

Had PT this evening then headed out to bunko. On the way to bunko I passed a dunkin donuts in the middle of now where (ok, not really in the middle of no where, but close enough for me since I don’t live out near it). I was uber excited, can you tell?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

sunset on drive home

From september archive

Took a picture of the sunset on the way home. Wanted to wait till I got home, but the sky wouldn’t have been as neat looking by that time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

toro loco art

From september archive

We went to eat at a local Mexican restaurant. This is one of the pieces of art featured on the wall. Not sure what its actually of or what its supposed to symbolize, but I liked the colors and design.

Monday, September 27, 2010

red car

From september archive

James and I went to look at cars this weekend. This one reminded me of the little red car from the movie 16 candles. Couldn’t help but take a picture of it :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Only 3.2 left to go...(Mile 3)

From september archive

back at Shelby farms this morning for the RRS 10K. I parked near the 3 mile marker and it was rough running by the car knowing I couldn’t get in and leave, lol :) After the race I walked back to it and snapped this picture. as you can see by the time I took the picture they had already stacked up the cones for pickup.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


From september archive

went to run this morning at Shelby farms for half marathon training. As I was leaving the buffalo were out eating and stuff and since they haven’t been featured in my POTD before, I decided to give them today :) i know its hard to see them, but that's about as close as i was willing to get :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

daisy daisy

From september archive

This flower was on display in the home of some friends of ours. I just thought the flowers were pretty so took a picture.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

MPC flower

From september archive

Flower on the table of Memphis Pizza CafĂ©. We now have a favorite pizza at MPC…the meat pizza with meatballs, spinach, mushrooms , broccoli, and extra cheese…its awesome (even with the broccoli, ask ape!)!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


From september archive

This rainbow was reflected through a window onto a coworkers desk. Just thought it was neat and the colors were so vibrant.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

medal or flower?

From september archive

Today’s penny art is brought to you by a copper medal or a flower (depends on which way you look at it) As you can tell this is entertaining to me now… :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

turtle turtle

From september archive

Still occupying my “waiting on my computer” time with penny art. Today’s penny art looked like a turtle to me…what do you think?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

gimme a break

From september archive

We went to Old Venice again today for brunch. Every Sunday they have a brunch with a variety of cheesecake desserts. This week was candy cheesecake. Kit kat, take 5, M & Ms and one other one (I don’t remember now). The brunch has made to order omelets, pizza, pasta and a variety of other food and the cheesecakes are always always awesome!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

MRTC Women's Run

From september archive

I volunteered this morning for the Women’s Run, which is the 5k at the end of the Women’s Walk/Run 10 week training program ive been volunteering for every Monday for the last few months. Today I was helping to fan finishers cards which is also at the end of a race. The finishers fill out the cards with their name and age and the card numbers allow the results team to rank them. It was really exciting seeing all of the women, especially the walkers since ive helped them the whole time, cross the finish line. They got a really cute medal for finishing too.

Friday, September 17, 2010

bye by cable! & CY Run

From september archive

After PT this morning, I dropped my cable box off at the cable place….they told me that I was going to be charged a $30 fee for them to cancel my cable. I am not at all happy about that! Why should I have to pay them to limit my services? That seems backwards…but, ah well…bye bye cable service!!!! :) :) :) yay!!!!

From september archive

I volunteered tonight for the Cooper Young 4 miler race. I was a chute monitor which means I stood at the end of the race and cheered on the finishers while keeping an eye out for anyone who looks like they may need medical attention. Its kind of exciting to see the end of the races.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


From september archive

I finally got around to opening up my computer today and installing the tv tuner card. Very very exciting!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

new friend

From september archive

as I was getting into my car this afternoon leaving from work, I noticed this little guy on my side rear view mirror. Don’t know exactly what he is, but thought he was neat enough looking to warrant a picture (naturally, lol)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

space invaders

From september archive

Some how I ended up with a bunch of pennies at my desk, so while waiting for my computer to catch up with me I decided to arrange them. When I stopped messing with them and actually looked at what I had created I thought it looked like one of the aliens from the old video game space invaders, so I took a picture! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

computer fun (so far...)

From september archive

been enjoying setting up my new computer and figuring out the details of getting what i want conveniently. so far the computer gods are smiling on me...lets hope that continues!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

new toy

From september archive

so i finally got fed up with my crappy cable service today and went to get a new computer to make my own media box. Bought a tv tuner card in order to plug my cable straight into the new comp so I can make my comp a dvr and i wont have to worry about the stupid, and outrageously priced, cable bill again! :) my credit card is still trying to recover from the damage, but itll be worth it in the long run (i hope). im going to spend the rest of the week setting up the new computer and going to turn in my cable box friday! wish me luck!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


From september archive

went out to shelby farms this morning for half marathon training, 1:20 today! evidently there was a race there today as well. and as part of the after race festivities, the weinermobile was there! i knew i had to take a picture of it - partly because it was just unexpected and partly because i know mom loves it! :) i especially like the license plate in the window that says "YUMMY" lol :)

From september archive

Friday, September 10, 2010

giant horse guard

From september archive

james took me to P.F.Changs for dinner tonight. it was fantastic! we had to wait a little while for a table, but we sat up at the bar and had a drink while we did. when we finally got a table it was a U shaped booth which probably could sit 6ish people comfortably, but was just for us :) it was one of those booths that you see on the tv shows or movies as "vip" type tables (or atleast that's what it reminded me of). anyway, the food was great and i had a really great time! especially since we hadnt had any time together all week. the horse is one of two giant statues outside of the restaurant. neat huh?

Thursday, September 9, 2010


From september archive

laundry day again :) i know yall just love knowing my laundry schedule :)
i was supposed to do laundry a few days ago, but didnt want to (as per usual) so i waited till the last minute (again, as per usual). this is a pic of one of the washers in the laundry room at my apt

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


From september archive

a coworker had a problem with his phone camera today. it seemed that everything he took a picture of was saving with a "negative" coloring. we eventually figured out that the phone camera had settings to allow the user to take different type pics (negative, color tinting, etc) which, since we have the same type phone, was awesome! i had a ton of fun playing with the different settings - as you can probably tell :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

other leg torture

From september archive

new torture technique at PT tried out on the other leg...what a fun way to start the short week...

Monday, September 6, 2010

coffee call - awesomeness!

From september archive

james and i made our usual stop at coffee call while in baton rouge as well. its one of the few places he will actually get coffee...ok, its more like hot chocolate with a touch of coffee, but coffee non the less :) i miss coffee call!

the trip back to memphis was easy and uneventful (thankfully!). we spent most of the time listening to the rest of one of my audio books :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

quiet sunday morning

From september archive

went to church this morning with mom and dad. this is the stained glass window in the front of the church. ive always thought it was pretty, but never took the time to photograph it. the flower is outside in the church landscaping.

From september archive

we went swimming at my aunts this afternoon and had some fabulous home-grilled steaks for dinner! it was nice to spend time with family. i dont have any pics of swimming or the food either cause i didnt think about taking any since we were having such a good time today too.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


From september archive

at home in baton rouge this weekend :) and no visit home is complete without lots and lots of food and of course a visit (or two or three) to franks for breakfast! nothing like it up in memphis!

From september archive

tonight we went to a local pool hall and hung out with two of my "cousins" to watch the LSU vs north carolina football game. LSU as usual made a game of trying to give it away :) but going out and playing pool was a lot of fun. i dont have any pics cause i didnt think about taking any since we were having such a good time.

Friday, September 3, 2010

scissor reflection

From september archive

james and i stopped at starbucks on the way out of town this morning and while we were there i noticed this reflection on the ceiling. it took me a while to figure out where it came from and what the reflection actually was. just thought it was neat.

the trip home went well today and when we got there we went to superior grill to have happy hour margaritas (which are always great!) then to my aunts to play some pool. good times :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


From september archive

james and i played hookie from work today and it was fabulous!!!! we went to a redbirds game at 1 oclock in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day just hanging out. i cant remember the last time both of us had the same day off of work and were able to enjoy the day together! plus there's nothing better than ballpark food!

From september archive

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

lucky bug

From september archive

lucky ladybug on the chair on my porch after a long day :)