Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Grilling & Unknown Flowers

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We went to another friends house today for another Memorial Day get together. Grilled
chicken and veggies and homemade potato fries . Good times! and of course i was too busy stuffing my face to remember to take a picture of the food :)

Found these flowers on a walk today though. anybody know what kind they are?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

party time!

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We went to a friends house today for a Memorial Day party/get together. Lots to eat and drink, all of it was awesome! The clock was in our friends kitchen. I liked it so I took a picture. Hind sight I should have taken a picture of the food and stuff too, but didn’t think about it at the time because I was too busy eating it! :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

just in time

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car inspection (with my brand new crack free windshield) and car renewal yesterday morning...just in time since my tag expires monday! fun times!

Friday, May 28, 2010


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we went to eat tonight at a new mexican place called Toro Loco. this is fajitas for two....or whats left of it after we've eaten!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

crack free windsheild

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woot woot! im now the proud owner of a crack free windshield!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

house hunting

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went to look at a house today. it was BEAUTIFUL! wish i had the money!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

little jacket

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little jacket...just looked a little out of place on such a big coat rack.

Monday, May 24, 2010

lucky lady

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lucky ladybug on my driver window when i got to boxing today. just had to stop and take a picture

Sunday, May 23, 2010

again, not amused...

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spikey! can you tell he looks at me like this alot :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

saturday night with friends

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james and i went to a bbq at a coworkers, then we spent the evening at a friends. no i didnt help with the drinks, but had a good time non the less :) the puppy is lola. she is the BESTEST puppy ever!!!

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Friday, May 21, 2010

vacation ending

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train tracks this morning when i went to take mom and dad to the train station. i had a really good week, all things considered :) im glad they got a chance to come to memphis and have a "vacation" instead of having obligations :) love you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

rough sky and bottle cap grave yard

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driving home this afternoon, i stopped on the side of the road and took a pic of the sky across the field.

mom and dad went to have dinner with their college friends :) so james and i walked down to the zenni's and found the bottle cap grave yard on the way

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Molly's flower

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mom, dad, and i went to eat at Molly's tonight. mom has had Molly's before but dad's first time! :) still good! this flower was outside

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


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starwars concert!!!! :) more pictures here

Monday, May 17, 2010

balcony kitty

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today is mom and dad's anniversary! merry 35 years!!!! :)
i got mom and dad a room at the peabody tonight for their anniversary :) :) :) but we went to dinner at central bbq and dessert at cheesecake corner downtown. the kitty on the balcony was at an apartment down the street from the cheesecake.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

doggie bag

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mom and dad came in on the train last night :) we took them to Gus's fried chicken today, and they of course LOVED it! we had left overs even though we all had soooo much to eat!! they give you brown paper bags for left over chicken.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

coffee counter curves

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saturday coffee!!! the curves are on the bottom of the starbucks coffee order counter. just thought they looked neat

Friday, May 14, 2010

runny babbit

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little rabbit statue at one the local "beer garden" (bar).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

so not amused...

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spikey with the "so not amused..." look on his face, nice huh?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

more prizes!

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james gave me the new super mario brothers wii game for my birthday! super sweet! since its a multi player game, we played some the other night. of course i caused him to die a few times and he caused me to die a few times. think its gunna take some getting used to to play mario multi player :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my chair!

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spike claiming my new chair for himself. he hasnt left the chair since i got it saturday! i think he likes it... :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

my toy!

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james' baby jennifer playing with a cat nip toy. way way cute! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

sonic and a movie

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got up late this morning and went to lunch at sonic with april. we sat outside since the weather was so nice! we were taking pictures of the sonic and one of the workers asked us if this was our first time in memphis...we tried to explain about the picture blog concept, but dont think she really got it...atleast she didnt ask us if it was the first time at a sonic :)

after sonic james and i went to see iron man 2 :) pretty good movie, awesome special effects!

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

may fire

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went over to some friends house this evening with james. we sat outside on their patio and since it was a little chilly, especially in may!, they lit a fire in the fire pit outside. neat looking, huh?

Friday, May 7, 2010

polished up

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turned in my loaner toyota today :(
then went to get a hair cut :) went to lunch with my cuz since she had half a day then we went to get our toes done! we went to a new place and i got a cute purple color. kinda wanted something springy. the pic isnt the color i got, just one of the choices.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

i heart my toyota!

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went to the toyota place today to get my recall work done. they gave me a loaner car which was fabulous! it was a 2010 camry xle. heated seats (not that i needed them today), sun roof, leather seats, dual control ac, and satellite radio. they called me at 230 this afternoon to pick up my car but since i had the car for 24 hours i decided to enjoy the nice car for the rest of today and pick up mine tomorrow :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

paint time!

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i had an eye doctor appt this morning and since my eyes were dilated and i needed to stay inside i decided that i wanted to finish painting my living room and hall. so went to home depot and got old paint spun and new paint for my bedroom (in case i get finished with the living room and hall and still want to paint). very exciting to have it finished! James and i celebrated the living room finish with a walk down to memphis pizza cafe and a couple beers! woot!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

more birthday presents!

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got my birthday present from mom today! i got a game card for my DS that allows me to put more than one game rom on the disk so i can have multiple games with me without changing the game card (if that makes sense, lol). and i got COOKIES!!!! momma-made m&m cookies!!!! i dont have a picture of the cookies cause i ate them too fast, lol :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

why are you home?

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we have the day off of work since the base flooded...spike laying on the table in the kitchen looking at me like "why in the heck are you home?"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

flood 2010

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the base flooded from all the rain this weekend. i didnt take this picture, but WOW! the building in the lower left corner (with all the vans in the parking lot) is my building.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


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even though its raining outside, can still have butterflies!