Thursday, January 20, 2011

disabled desk at home & snow!

From january 2011 archive

spent most of this afternoon doing training and a presentation for work. this is a pic of my desk for the day :) it comes complete with my own personal assistant, Spike :)

From january 2011 archive

it snowed this afternoon! woowoo! it was really snowing hard too! maybe my coworkers wont have to go to work tomorrow either :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

dunkin stop

From january 2011 archive

james was nice enough to take mom to the train station this morning and nice enough to stop at the dunkin donuts on the way, woot! this is up on the wall in the dunkin. i thought the guitar was neat by itself, but when i took the picture i noticed the lights reflecting on the top of it and it looked like wings or something. just thought it was neat. only part that sucked was that mom’s train was 5 hours late :( and we had to leave her there early anyway :(

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

road warrior

From january 2011 archive

mom and i ventured out today(bum leg and all). we went to get groceries, drugs, coffee, and to pick up my road warrior prizes! the finisher item is a car seat cover with “road warrior” on it, which is neat, and a trophy with my name and everything on it. its my first running trophy ever! woowoo!

Monday, January 17, 2011

dinner a la cuz

From january 2011 archive

my cuz made mom and i dinner today :) spaghetti and garlic cheese toast. it was really good :) thanks cuz!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

cleaned and protected

From january 2011 archive

finally got to take a shower today! :) woowoo! i almost fainted when i got out of the shower though :( dont know if it was just cause i hadnt had much to eat or if it was the meds, or if i just got too hot in the shower...maybe it was a combo of all three, who knows. i laid down on the couch for a little while and mom got some graham crackers for me :) all was ok after a while. my leg looks less like an alien today. much much better! have to keep it protected with band-aids. down to one crutch today which is awesome. hopefully itll be no crutches soon!

From january 2011 archive

Saturday, January 15, 2011

dressing removed

From january 2011 archive

took the dressing off of my leg today. looks like an alien or something huh? the swelling has gone down now that its off but my knee feels less stable :( having to use my crutches today.

Friday, January 14, 2011

crutch fun

From january 2011 archive

practiced using my crutches today even though the dressing is keeping my leg pretty stable. im moving around pretty well today, hopefully it continues! :)